ines kivimaki


Isa Carrillo
Pendulum resonance
Metal, wool. 2024

Isa Carrillo’s work explores a wide range of occult systems to interpret what she calls the “hidden or enigmatic aspects present in the collective unconscious.” Using a range of materials including drawing and site-specific installation, needle point and weaving, she uses historical individuals and different esoteric techniques such as astrology and numerology to raise questions about cultural identity and belief. In so doing she links her research with “a critical and empirical vision of the exploration of divination or pseudosciences.”

In the work Pendulum resonanceCarrillo combines the pendulum—a familiar instrument of divination and time keeping—with a small wool weaving that depicts the masculine and feminine principles joined together where “the triangle in the weaving represents the creative result of both energies.”

La producción de isa carrillo se ha definido por una re-lectura de aspectos ocultos o enigmáticos presentes en el inconsciente colectivo, vinculando su trabajo con una visión crítica y empírica de la exploración de mancias o pseudociencias aplicadas a individuos. La atracción por cuestiones ocultas o invisibles que preside su obra comenzó a desarrollarse desde principios de su carrera mediante la combinación de temas referentes al subconsciente presente en la cotidianidad.

Carrillo lives and works in Guadalajara, Mexico.  
